

Gravel / Dust Control

Gravel is added to the township roads on a three year rotation.  When gravel and dust control is placed on the road is dependent on the weather.

Each year the application of liquid chloride (dust control) is made available to residents for the control of dust along their road.  The cost of this dust control is paid by the resident requesting it.  The chloride application is scheduled after the crushed rock has been delivered and graded.  Weather and gravel availability are the biggest factors in the timing of application,  In April, residents who participated in dust control the previous year are mailed information about the program.  Anyone wishing to apply for dust control for the first time should contact the Clerk.

Snow Removal

We would like to remind Northfield Township residents that it is unlawful to deposit snow onto public roadways or to push snow across public roadways per Minnesota Statute 160.2715. Snow deposited or pushed onto the road can create hazards to the public and future snow removal operations. Citizens that violate this statute could face misdemeanor and/or civil penalties if the snow creates a hazard that contributes to an accident. The Township snow removal/sanding trucks will be out as soon as possible following a 2” snow event. The Township is not responsible for any damage resulting from snow thrown in the road right-of-way.