Residential Permits

Northfield Township requires permits for building and remodeling projects.  Permitting for building, remodeling, planning and zoning are handled through Rice County Environmental Services.   If you have any questions regarding the permit application, please contact:

Rice County Environmental Services:  507-332-6113

Permit Forms

Driveway Permit

A driveway permit is required whenever a resident is planning to install a new driveway or field approach, install or maintain a driveway or field approach culvert, change the surface of a driveway by adding cement and/or asphalt paving, as well as other changes.  A permit is also required if any work is to be done in a township right-of-way.   If in doubt about whether a permit is required, please contact the Clerk for direction at 612-396-9451

The application fee is $100 plus a $500 completion deposit for a total of $600.  The $500 deposit is refunded when the driveway receives final approval from township supervisors, unless the township is required to make installation corrections to the work done in order to keep the work in compliance with the specifications on the permit application.  It is the applicant's responsibility to request a final inspection and to request the $500 deposit refund.  Mail the completed permit application and check payable to Northfield Township to 10865 Ibson Ave., Northfield, MN  55057

Right-of-Way Permits

A right-of-way permit is required whenever a resident is planning to do work in the right-of-way along their property line.  If in doubt about whether a permit is required, please contact the Clerk for direction at 612-396-9451.  Fee(s) and deposit(s) apply and vary depending on the scope of work.

Building Permit

Building permits for Northfield Township residents are administered on behalf of the Township through Rice County.  Check with the Rice County  Environmental Services department for building permit requirements:

Burning Permit

Burning permits are available on-line through the Minnesota DNR website: 


If you need to contact a Supervisor for scheduling an inspection of an on-going project, please contact :


Fee Schedule

Please note, all costs incurred by the Township for processing requests will be borne by the applicant, including those for professional services, such as attorneys, engineers, planners, etc. An escrow to cover anticipated costs for such expenses will be required and must be paid in order for the application to be considered complete.  Deposits paid to ensure completion of work must be paid with an application.  The deposit will be refunded minus any expense incurred by the township to meet state statute requirements and project specifications.